Description of item If it is from a warehouse in Japan, it will arrive in 10 days, but after the offer, it may take 30 days for the item to arrive because some items are shipped from overseas warehouses. Please contact me if you have any concerns. Payment method Same as ebay payment method shipping method Your order will be dispatched to you from Japan within the designated handling time from the date of payment. Transaction matters Packing state: We will carefully pack your items with the most appropriate protection materials to avoid your items from getting damaged during transport to you. Feedback:You will receive a positive feedback from our store as soon as you successfully complete your order and payment. We would very much appreciate if you could leave us one, too! We are a Japanese store specializing in Japanese high-quality products. Please let us hear from you with any inquiries you may have about our products. Happy shopping! To overseas buyers-Notes: Please be aware of customs fees - such as taxes and duties - when your order arrives. Since these fees vary from location to location, CUSTOMS FEES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE ITEM PRICE OR SHIPPING CHARGES. Please check with your local customs office for more information on the fees in your area. Refusal to pay these fees can result in an undeliverable order. Please note - we cannot undervalue orders, or mark them as a gift.


  • Brand: miniature car
  • UPC: NA
  • gtin13: NA